Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Time Is Almost Up

 By Donna Wasson

I honestly wonder how many more of these articles I’ll have a chance to write before life as we know it changes forever. Christians everywhere are sensing that the time of God’s judgment on this earth is upon us. Even unbelievers instinctively ‘know’ in their gut something BIG is about to happen.

The Lord is going to shake this earth with Holy fury. The wickedness of mankind is a stench in His nostrils and He’s had enough. Mankind has ignored the warnings of impending judgment that He has broadcast the last several years. They include an undeniable increase in the number and severity of earthquakes, animal deaths, record setting storms, devastating tsunamis, destructive tornadoes, bizarre sinkholes, not to mention volcanoes all over the world that have lain dormant for centuries, are erupting. And to top it off, don’t forget the sharp degradation of morality in every society.

Only those of us who are diligently watching for His coming recognize the significance of all this. Most of the world including the majority of professing Christians, is oblivious to the signs of His return. Scientists have tried to account for these things and people are more than happy to accept their lame explanations, so as to not disrupt their lives.

No one wants to face the apocalypse. Those whose hearts don’t belong to Jesus have no desire to face the fact that they will one day stand before Him and give an account of their earthly lives. Besides, they think the Bible is just some old book filled with fables and myths, concocted by men who wanted to exert power and control over others.

There are many in mainstream churches today who don’t believe the Word of God was inspired by the Holy Spirit, or that every word can be counted on to be true! Why these Christians-in-name-only bother getting up on Sunday mornings to drag their family to church, is beyond me. I’d rather stay in bed. They don’t believe what the pastor is saying anyway, unless he’s reassuring them of what wonderful people they are.

I guess they figure if they put in some time attending services, God will be happy with them because they’re trying to be a good person. They don’t realize God isn’t the least bit impressed with what they’re doing. Our Creator looks on our hearts to determine who our god is.

It makes me very, very sad that there are billions of lost souls walking this earth, wandering around in darkness, thinking only of the cares of this temporary existence. Some are deceived by false gods who demand good works, offerings of food or even the blood of their enemies to earn his favor.

Others don’t believe there is a god at all. They view themselves as a mere biological species that lives only to provide food and shelter for their offspring. They figure when they eventually die, their body will return to the earth, and their consciousness will cease to exist. *Poof*—they’re gone.

Well, they’re wrong. There IS a God. Only one, in the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose only begotten Son, Jesus, was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified on a Roman cross for OUR sins, resurrected back to life on the third day and returned to the Father.

Angels stood with His disciples when He ascended back to heaven, telling them in Acts 1:11 “...Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”

Since that time, mankind and civilization has toddled along, exploding in population and technology. Human beings are spirits who possess a soul, and live in a physical body. We are not physical bodies who are capable of having a spiritual experience. We are spirits who are having a physical experience.

What most people don’t understand is that we will ALL live forever. Although these bodies will wear out with time and die, the essence of who we are lives on. God designed us in His image, as a spirit with a soul, which is our mind, will and emotions. Because God is eternal, we are eternal as well.

Since God gave us free will, our final destination is the most important question all of us must decide. We have the choice between door number one and door number two; Heaven, with the One who created us, or Hell, forever separated from His presence.

Believe it or not, there are actually people who are stupid enough to believe Hell will be a fun place featuring nonstop partying with their friends. Duh! Uh no, it will be an existence of utter darkness, unrelenting heat, loneliness, terror, hunger, thirst and endless agonizing pain, with absolutely NO hope of leaving or having even one moment’s comfort or rest. No kind words. No break. No one with whom to commiserate. No 72 virgins. No love or light at all. Forever. Yeah. Sounds like a real gas.

On the other hand, God’s kingdom, Heaven, will be a place of unspeakable beauty, sumptuous luxury, endless joy, laughter, fine foods, music, activities, exploration, satisfying, exciting work and the company of family and friends who accepted the pardon Jesus purchased for them on the cross. Forever.

All this, and much more; so much more that the Bible tells us in Isaiah 64:4 “For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him.”

Your ticket to Heaven has already been paid for. Jesus bought it with His blood and waits every moment of every day for you to simply accept it from His hand. It’s so easy. All you’re required to do is admit that you are a sinner, incapable of earning your way into God’s good graces. Tell God that you believe Jesus is His Son, that His blood is what’s required to cover your sins and that you understand that Jesus died for you, and rose from the dead to bring you eternal life. Repent, turn away from your sinful lifestyle, and ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your personal Lord and Savior.

It’s just that simple. Once you do this, you can face any circumstance in life because the Holy Spirit will live inside of you, and will never leave or forsake you. You can even face death without fear, because you know where you’ll be the moment you die; in the presence of God.

I highly advise you to do this soon, as you’re running out of time. God doesn’t guarantee that any of us will live to see tomorrow. When you die, that’s it. Game over. No second chances. No reboot. You will spend eternity with the master you serve, either Jesus or satan.

The Bible makes it very clear that we are living in the last days of human civilization as we’ve always known it. Very soon, the Lord will call those of us who belong to Him, up to Heaven. This will leave the unsaved here to face the Tribulation; the worst time mankind has ever experienced. 

This will be when God pours out His wrath on the wickedness of man. It will be so horrible that the Bible says men and women will seek to die, but God will suspend their ability to kill themselves. They’ll be forced to live through the torment and judgments unleashed on this earth. Jesus said that unless He cut those days short, no human being would survive.

That time is about to start, people. The signs are screaming louder every day and unless you belong to Christ, you will be left behind to suffer beyond your wildest nightmares. It will happen sooner than most people expect, so I beg you…please, PLEASE accept the Lord right this minute, before it’s too late. I wouldn’t wish what is coming on my worst enemy.

I am not kidding. This is not a joke. God is about to shake this earth! His warning alarms are sounding and His patience is gone. Please don’t put off surrendering your heart to the Lord. You’re running out of time!

author: bensmomi99@gmail.com

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