Monday, 9 January 2012

Life’s Most Important Choices

This Week’s Feature Article by Jack

Recently I’ve been asked about witnessing to “unsaved believers” as one writer called them. I usually refer to them as Christians-in-name-only. They call themselves Christians and do some things that make them appear to be Christians. They go to Church, make regular contributions, sign up for volunteer service projects, even teach Sunday School, but they’re not born again. Being born again means you know you’re a sinner in need of a savior. You believe Jesus died for all your sins and have asked Him to be your Savior. According to Jesus, people who are not born again will be denied entrance into the Kingdom (John 3:3) no matter how “good” they’ve been on Earth.
Very few Christians-in-name-only have actually refused to be born again, they just don’t think it’s necessary. They were taught that they’re saved because they were baptized as infants, or because they belong to a certain church or denomination, or because they try to live a good life. They’re relying on what someone has told them instead of learning what the Bible says. With all the necessary resources at their disposal, they’ve staked their eternal destiny on the opinion of someone who might not be saved himself rather than do their own homework.
They’re very difficult to witness to because they don’t think they need it. Someone once said, “There is no greater obstacle to learning the truth than the belief you’ve already learned it.” The only thing we can do, which turns out to be the best thing, is pray that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts to the truth while there’s time.
Two Alternatives
They don’t realize that there are only two alternatives available to mankind. We either choose God or we choose Satan. If we fail to choose God we’re choosing Satan by default. There is neither any middle ground nor is there another alternative. In Ephesians 2:1-5 Paul made God’s perspective on this very clear.
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.
We evaluate people based on how we think they compare to others, but God’s standards are very different (Isaiah 55:8). Even the good things non-believers do are disgusting to him (Isaiah 64:6) and further the enemy’s cause (Matt. 7:21-23).   This is not a benign issue, and it’s not a case where someone can sit on the sidelines and not participate. In God’s sight people who fail to personally accept His pardon for their sins have chosen to align themselves with His enemy and will be treated accordingly. They will have failed to meet His only requirement, and nothing else will suffice.
Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:28-29)
Believing there’s a God is not enough. Neither is believing in God. You must believe God sent His Son to Earth to die for your sins so you could go to Heaven to live with Him.
You can’t experience God in your life but reject the pardon He provided for your sins. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). If someone is experiencing God in their life, they’re also feeling the call of the Holy Spirit to come to the Son, and by failing to do so they’re rejecting the Father (John 5:23). The Son is the only way.
And Two More
Most of the people who visit this site have made the choice to accept the Lord’s pardon for our sins and have been born again. Once we’re born again there are two new alternatives to choose from and those are to either live the balance of our life in His will or continue living in our own will (Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:22-24). If we choose to live our life in His will we can bear much fruit for the Kingdom and will receive eternal rewards. If we choose to live in our own will we can do nothing of value for the Kingdom, no matter how good our lives and deeds are perceived to be on Earth (John 15:5). We’ll still be saved and we’ll go in the rapture but we’ll have nothing to show for the time we spent as believers here (1 Cor. 3:10-15).
Most believers make the wrong choice in this regard, and there are several ways to do that. Some continue living their lives the same way they always have. To the casual observer they look just like their unbelieving counterparts, except for an hour or so on Sunday mornings. They’re hiding their light under a bushel.
Others set out to show the world just how good a Christian they are. They take on great challenges and appear to do mighty works, but the focus is always on them, not the Lord. Applying the world’s standards of success to their Christian life they completely miss the point. It’s not what we can do for Him that matters; it’s what we allow Him to do through us.
Still others wrap themselves in a cloak of self-righteousness. Like the Pharisees before them they make a great show of living a “good Christian life” while condemning those who don’t, at least in their opinion. They’re known primarily for what they’re against, instead of what they’re for.
None of these choices can result in lives pleasing to the Lord because they’re all self-centered instead of being God centered.
Those who choose to live in His will discover that He gives us supernatural strength to accomplish His will. In Romans 12:1-2 we’re told to offer our whole lives as living sacrifices to God as our spiritual act of worship. We’re not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This is how we discover His will for us. Right after that is a list of seven spiritual gifts that strengthen us to accomplish His will. Romans 12:6-8 lists gifts of prophecy, service, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and mercy, and He gives each of us one or more of them.
These are all gifts that bring us great satisfaction as we administer them, so don’t get the idea that living in His will means living a life of deprivation and hardship. John 10:10 says He came so we can have life and have it abundantly. Romans 8:28 says God is working everything together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Psalm 37:4 says when we delight ourselves in the Lord He will give us the desires of our heart. And Phil. 4:4-7 says we’re to rejoice always, to pray about everything and not be anxious about anything. In doing so we can live in a state of peace that surpasses human understanding.
Learning to live in God’s can be scary at times because we’re used to acting independently. But after we get the hang of it, we find it’s one of the most exhilarating experiences we can have. Blessings come in so many different ways and at the most unexpected times; we’re literally driven to our knees in gratitude time after time. There truly is nothing like it.
What Does It Take?
Living in His will takes a little getting used to but it isn’t as difficult as it sounds. It involves letting the Holy Spirit guide us away from obviously inappropriate behavior, and responding to the Lord’s calls for action. In Micah 6:8 He gave us three basic principles to follow in acting out His will in our lives. They’re the guidelines that keep us from going out of bounds.
He Has Showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
When we’re in God’s will, we’ll be acting justly toward everyone, knowing He will never involve us in anything that violates His law. When we’re in God’s will, we’ll love to do things for others that demonstrate His mercy. We’re not called to be agents of His wrath, but to show forth His love. And when we’re in God’s will we’ll always be humble, knowing that whatever good we’re doing is at His prompting and in His strength.
With rare exceptions, God doesn’t suddenly uproot people or put them through a time of discomfort when they offer their life to Him. Neither does He suddenly impose a lot of rules or discipline upon us. After all, our sins are already paid for. Living in His will is mostly a matter of learning to listen for His voice and doing what He says. Like everything else, this becomes easier with practice. It’s important to remember we’re only responsible for making the effort. The results are His responsibility.
He won’t have us start telling others how to live their lives, but He will give us guidance on how to live our own. For example, since His word says to give to everyone who asks (Luke 6:30) He may start prompting us to respond generously whenever someone comes to us for help. And since it says to not let the Sun go down on our anger (Ephes 4:26), He’ll prompt us to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
When you first make the commitment to live in His will, He’ll start with small things to get you used to listening, so if you even think you’ve heard His voice, do what you think He said to do, asking Him for the strength to do it. And whatever happens, don’t take any of the credit for a positive outcome. The Lord gets the credit, you’re just following orders.
As you learn to respond to little promptings, you’ll receive bigger ones. Then one day you’ll realize you’ve gained enough experience at living in the Lord’s will that you no longer have to wonder about whether you’re doing it. You’ll find your actions and his will have become one and the same.
I know we don’t have much time left, but don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s too late. Begin implementing Romans 12:1-2 in your life today and you’ll be amazed at how much the Lord can do with a willing follower, no matter how short the time is. Selah 01-07-12

Saturday, 7 January 2012


2012 – The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl By Ron Graham

“That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.” 1 Thessalonians 4:12. What this verse has so eloquently stated is we who walk in the precepts of the Lord should be an example to those on the outside of salvation. We should certainly not be distracted by known deceptions. We should always be prepared to denounce such lies. Satanic lies are established to create an atmosphere of fear while setting up a sense of confusion, all for the purpose of fulfilling Satan’s agenda. We’ve heard the hype leading up to 2012, and that year has now arrived. That hype is a lie built around a calendar...a calendar created by the worshipers of the demon, Quetzalcoatl.

If we look to the alternative news websites we can glean a lot of good information about what is coming, prophetically speaking. In many of these articles those of us who are students of the Bible can see the occasional unveiling of the biblical prophetic truths we’ve been studying. Some disastrous scenarios might well reach us at our homes, but they will in no way be what the Bible describes as the wrath of God.

For some time now the mainstream media (who continually obfuscates the truth) has been enamored with the possibility that the Mayan prediction might actually occur in 2012. That the mainstream media would give so much air time to such a topic, and so intently, should give us reason to doubt any serious possibility of such an occurrence. In truth, what we can see approaching is far worse than anything the mainstream media depicts as the ultimate destruction of planet earth. Pie-in-the-sky plentiful times or the end of the world, both scenarios are equally presented by these goofy mainstream media pundits. But I will say this, for those of us who follow the One who is hated by most of humanity, this year may prove to be quite a distressing year.

With the looming doomsday scenario of the Maya predictions, many will become increasingly apprehensive which will lead to a state of fearfulness. It would be well to note that if we are going to put faith in a Maya calendar prediction we would do well to remember that the Mayans gained their notoriety as the civilization that sacrificed thousands upon thousands of their own people on the altar to their god Quetzalcoatl. The Mayan people did this bloodletting to appease their god and open portals for the demons to enter this dimension – could the fact that we have the same bloodletting practice going on today in America and around the world, in the form of government sanctioned abortions, be opening the same portal of the demonic? The whole word now seems to be just as demonically enticed as the Mayans. Is Quetzalcoatl standing on our doorstep?

The lie which brought about this fairly new doom and gloom scenario is a key element in creating an atmosphere of fear and confusion. Fear is the tool at the top of the arsenal of weapons currently in use by the enemy of all humanity. Fear and confusion combined with manipulation will create the perfect atmosphere for the enemy as he draws closer to accomplishing his goal.

One day soon the world will be changed, but the end of the world will not occur on December 21, 2012. How can I, a mere human, make such a claim? Simple. I don’t read that particular doomsday scenario anywhere in the Bible. I believe the Author of the Bible above all of man’s writings. God has not declared an end to the world at a specific date in 2012, although the Rapture of His Church may occur in 2012. That would certainly usher in the “apokalypsis” and a mega war at a place referred to in the Hebrew tongue as “Harmagedōn” resulting in the re-appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ with His saints (the Church). The removal of the Church will be quite the cataclysmic event – but not the end of the world.

This same lie that portends the world will end in 2012 is currently being perpetuated by Hollywood and through a plethora of books. Both venues are involved in this deception to capitalize on the dollars each can generate. Satan doesn’t really care about the motivation, only the ultimate outcome. Movies and books will increase the promotion of the lie which will ultimately funnel down to fear and confusion. Increasingly we see that people are so ignorant of Biblical truth that falling for the enemy’s schemes is inevitable. This 2012 end of the game scenario might well be the setup for the strong delusion spoken of by God in His word.

Jesus tells those who will read His word that the last days will be laden with deception. “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:12. When we look at this verse with discernment, it’s increasingly obvious that what Jesus told His disciples those many years ago has certainly begun. Many people today are perfectly in line with Satan’s agenda and are fulfilling Jesus’ words to His disciples to the letter. Whatever we hear in these last days concerning impending doom, our recourse is to first search the scriptures to see if what we are being told, or if what we’ve heard, agrees with God’s word.

Scary things may well be in our future, but the biblically astute will be much more alert to deception. This end of the world scenario is increasingly flooding humanity with thoughts of doom and gloom, that’s Satan’s modus operandi. Because Satan doesn’t know, any more than mankind knows, when the end will come he must always capitalize on every opportunity even, the false predictions of future doom and gloom. But Satan’s final goal will not be fully realized, unless…

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:25. The above verse is just an example of what people will be experiencing in the last days before the Lord’s return. This whole idea of the 2012 Mayan end of the world doom and gloom brings into prefect view a sense of the perplexity of nations which can be plainly seen infecting our culture today. There is currently an increasing anticipation of foreboding as people begin to believe in the possibility that the 2012 Mayan prediction might actually occur. Here’s the rub, it’s not whether it will occur or whether it won’t, but that it can’t. As I’ve already mentioned, 2012 being the year the world ends is not recorded in the word of God. The world coming to an end in December of 2012 will be a non-event. But the purpose behind the lie will have come to fruition. The damage will have been done as the goal of the malevolent sadistic supernatural realm will be that much closer to bringing about fear and confusion while trapping humanity in a cesspool of deception.

The whole idea and promotion of 2012 being the end of the world has a dark element of supernatural origin implemented to create a desired effect, which, as I’ve already stated, is one of fear and confusion. Satan remains at odds with God even though he lost everything he held dear when God died for His creation. The cross was certainly a stumbling block for Satan who, over the last 2,000 years, has become even more determined to destroy mankind. He’s not done.

The Bible plainly states that the wrath of God will come upon a Christ-rejecting world, but that the Church will not be here to witness even the beginning of the pouring out of God’s wrath. We can read about the 70 weeks prophesied in the Book of Daniel and see that only 69 of those weeks have come to pass. The final week has not begun but when it does it will culminate in Christ’s return with His Church. The Rapture must occur at least 7 years prior to Christ’s return. After that there will be 1,000 years wherein Satan will be bound and the world will keep on spinning. How then can the world end in 2012? It can’t.

The Mayans were devil worshipers who sacrificed their own people to their plumed serpent god, Quetzalcoatl. The idea that these devil worshipers could have come to a conclusion that the world would end in 2012 is preposterous. Instead of looking to Satan’s devotees to open our eyes to the future, let’s look to God – first as our Creator and Savior, secondly as the initiator of our faith and the giver of life, and thirdly as the source of all true prophecy. In doing so, we simply look into His word to see the absurdity of those flooding the world with the Maya predictions. 

There is an aspect of the Maya predictions that rarely gets discussed and that is the Maya didn’t really portend an end to the world as many believe. They simply created a calendar that once deciphered ended with the year 2012. All of the doom and gloom associated with the Mayan calendar is only a satanic attempt at creating fear and confusion in the hearts of men. It sets up a plausible yet fictitious end game scenario. Since we know that Satan corrupts God’s word we also know that there will be false prophecies that somewhat parallel God’s own prophecies, but they are actually a very cleaver deception. With all the hype of 2012, I believe it is possible that we are being setup for the delusion that those who have rejected Christ will believe. If Satan can achieve his goal of getting people to accept this 2012 end of the world scenario, then as December 21, 2012, draws closer fear will also increase exponentially. …if the Rapture were to occur after that anticipation reaches fever pitch, Satan will have no difficultly convincing humanity of his end of game ultimate deception.

With fear and confusion firmly embedded in the minds and hearts of men, Satan then uses his control over those men as pawns while establishing his end game goal. After the removal of the restrainer, which includes the Church, Satan will reveal his “man in waiting” to the deceived world who will accept this man with open arms – as the savior of the world.

What we can be sure of is that the prophecies in the Bible are true, correct, and will all come to pass in due time. Just as all the fulfilled prophecies of the past came about exactly to God’s specifications, those of the future are also guaranteed to come to fruition exactly as God has pronounced. “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26. Fearing what’s coming on earth is not prudent for the believer who has placed their faith, trust, and hope in Christ. Satan controls a mass of misinformation on this globe and the end of the world coming in 2012 is one of his biggest lies since corrupting Eve – I believe it is right up there with another huge lie which is, of course, the lie of evolution.

“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Psalm 34:7. Here we’re told that those who belong to the Lord have nothing to fear from God’s enemies. Why? The angel of the Lord is a reference to the pre-incarnate Christ. He is encamped around us – we’re protected on every side. The battle rages. The enemy is relentless, but powerless, against “The angel of the LORD.” Christians shouldn’t fall for the ensuing deception as Satan floods the unbelieving world with his lies. We who follow Christ are fully protected from this evil and malevolent supernatural being; the rest of humanity, as they become more and more subjected to his lies, will find the truth increasingly elusive.

As the world becomes more and more engrossed with the idea of 2012 bringing an end to their beloved planet earth, Satan/Quetzalcoatl will continue to lead them in that lie as he sets them up for his impending doom. The rest of us will enjoy a firm and secure future, and just knowing about that future inspires hope “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:19-21. In other words, if prophecy isn’t in the Bible it’s a deception implemented by the deceiver of all mankind and destroyer of souls.

Any mention of any looming apocalyptic catastrophic destruction of planet earth not found in the Bible is a scenario created out of a mind consumed with evil and hatred for the inhabitants of said planet; Satan revels in this arena. His attempts at inculcating fear in the minds of humans are legendary. On the other hand, God delights in the offering of His grace to all of His creation. Satan is intent on man’s destruction; God is fully focused on man’s salvation. Satan hates us with a hate that is humanly inconceivable; God loves us with a love unimaginable, and therefore indescribable. Satan is bent on keeping the state of mankind in a posture reserved for the damned; God died for us to remove us from that state to become heirs of all He has. While Satan is bent on instilling fear in all humanity; God would be overjoyed if all humanity were to embrace the hope He has provided through His Son, Jesus the Christ. Satan only destroys lives; God builds on our lives to perfect us and ready us for an eternity with Him. Satan is a liar and the father of all deception; who would trust him? God’s precepts are perfect and His prophecies are true and accurate; He can be trusted. Which one of these two supernatural beings are you going to look to for a true glimpse into the future?

The prophecies of God are being played out little by little almost every day just as there are false prophets portending approaching doom – nothing new here. But in this year of 2012 we may well be witnessing the encroachment on humanity of the mother of deceptions, which include the false Maya predictions. This year, the hype of 2012 will make Y2K pale in comparison. Many, if they haven’t already, will become caught up in this circus event and see it as an increasingly significant possibility. Before this year is over many will be setup to embrace the lie. What lie you ask? The lie which will be ushered in at the moment Christ removes His Church. But the prelude to that event is the setup. I believe this will be seen by the Church and will be obvious to many of us. It’s just offstage ready to be unveiled as the date of December 21st gets closer and the possibility that the Lord takes His Church home this year grows stronger. Satan will then be in a perfect position to spring a great deception on the remainder of humanity. Get ready!

God bless you all,

Ron Graham

All scripture is from the KJV and God breathed

Friday, 6 January 2012

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

Well, 2012 is here. I guess we'll finally see what all the hype is about.

Of course, if you're a student of Bible prophecy, you already know. It's much ado about nothing.

Breathe easy. The Bible tells us that the world will NOT end in 2012. However, that is not to say there won't be some substantial changes to the world as we currently know it.

From Iran to Iraq to Syria to Egypt to Europe to Russia to North Korea to the United States, Bob Dylan would observe, "The times they are a-changin'." But more than just the times, changes are coming fast and furiously to governments, economies, societies, religious communities, in fact, entire nations. Upheaval seems to be the order of the day. Uncertainty and fear its most common results.

For the last couple of years, Hollywood, along with radio talk show hosts, prognosticators, New Agers, even some in the scientific community have been obsessed with 2012. They've cited sources such as the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and others as evidence that some cataclysmic event may occur this year. At the least, it will be the dawn of a new age of understanding and enlightenment. At the worst, complete destruction of the earth.

They've made their fortunes and had their fun, but now it's time to get serious. 2012 is here and we have to be ready for what may or may not really happen. How do we, as individuals and believers, do that?

As we enter what seems like 'the twilight zone,' I want to share with you some of my thoughts on how the believer can prepare for the unexpected events in life -- what I call the Christian's "Standard Operating Procedure." You may need it this year. Just a hint: it involves the only thing that we can give back to God as a gift that He cherishes. Understanding the power of praise in thanksgiving to God is key to a fruitful and joyful life in Christ.

Our nation faces real and present dangers -- challenges we've not faced in decades. As I report weekly on "The Hal Lindsey Report," the threats are mounting and the odds appear to be impossible. But it's precisely at those moments that the power of praise and gratitude to God can be our pathway to victory.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.
God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.
God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147