Sunday, 29 June 2008

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

How many of us (Christians) are anticipating Christ return? When I look at my life (past and present) and compare it with the one promise in the future (our blessed hope), I can't stop saying "Are we there yet?" I have experience failures in many part of my life. I failed in marriage twice (not counting the relationship before marriage). The present marriage survived by pure miracle. I am the only one on my side of the family who accepted Christ. My brother is an atheist, my sister is recovering from a bad experience with the new age movement, yet refuse to accept Christ to rebuke the spirit that followed her. My mother? She accepted Christ as many Catholics do which is faith plus work. My children who were influence by me (even separated I toke them to church every second weekend) live their lives without Christ. The result is their children are being disrespectful toward them.

As for my present wife, I thank God for she accepted Christ is her life and we share the understanding of the signs of the time and of Christ return. She also had two-failed marriage (abusive). She had skin cancer, heart surgery, lost both father and mother within a year. My wife now is in stress relief from her work causes by so many factors.

Are we there yet?

We are in debt. We invested in establishing a vineyard, which is yet to give revenue. Working in this curse land is difficult. Day to day we live in faith and hope for Christ return.

Are we there yet?

There is no one in are lives that shared our hope in Christ (His return). We are not part of any Christian's organization which are far from being the simple congregation of the early church. Christ never meant to have one to teach and the rest to be spectators. There was to be no authorities structure within the body of Christ. Only Christ is the head. It was a gathering on no specific day of the week, sharing a meal, breaking the bread not as a ritual but as a simple remembrance of Christ broken body for redeeming us and sharing a glass of wine among believers remembering Christ blood spilled for us washing our sins. All participated according to their spiritual gift sharing Christ experience in their lives.

I am in the body of Christ. I miss the fellowship, as it was meant to be. Are we there yet? A great wedding diner and reception is being prepared for us. Christ will be at the head table. He will take bread and break it. He will take a cup of wine and drink out of it as he did for the last time with His disciples. We all will testify Christ in our lives as we share our meal with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There will be no more tears, no more hope because we will be living our blessed hope for eternity.

Are we there yet?

My personal impression is that the original church gathering format will return, not at this present time but after Christ return for His Bride. Those left behind will realized that they have missed the boat by lack of faith (figure of speech). The rapture will be a big blow to many so-called Christians, friends and relatives of those taken away. In despair, they will make amend to God and accept Christ. They will be pursue, persecuted, and kill for their belief. They will go in hiding and congregate as the original Christians did. They will be instructed by all the tapes, CDs, Mp3s, and documents left behind by those who had joined Christ in heaven. They will be sharing wine and bread in remembrance of the broken body of Christ, signing hymnals, and sharing their life experience in Christ in a very dangerous and trouble time never seen before. This time, they will have a road map of all the events as described in prophecies in the bible. They will have seven years to notch off event by event. Every day they will live in fear of being captures and beheaded. "Are we there yet?" will be on the lips of every living Christians every time they will meet in secret.

So when I compare my present miseries with the experiences of those left behind, I can say in faith and assurance that "Yes, I am there".

Are you there yet?

Best Regards


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One Gospel One Truth

One Gospel One Truth