Friday, 15 March 2013

In Memoriam: Ron Graham

In Memoriam: Ron Graham
Note: I am saddened to say that Ron Graham, one of our many featured writers for Prophecy Update and Rapture Ready has gone to be with the Lord. I am deeply saddened but at the same time rejoicing knowing that Ron is with the Lord. Following is a short tribute by Terry James of Rapture Ready that speaks highly and fondly of Ron, please read and pray for Ron's wife Nathele and his surviving family.


Todd and I are saddened to announce the death of Ron Graham, one of Rapture Ready's most widely read and highly respected writers on end-time matters involving Bible prophecy. He will be missed far beyond our ability to measure.

Ron went to be with the Lord Thursday, March 14, 2013, following a lengthy illness. He is survived by his wife, Nathele and three children, Rodrigo, Michelle, and Amanda.

I borrow in part the following from the biography on his Home Page. Ron was born in 1951 at Camp Cook, California which is now Vandenberg AFB. Before retiring he was Operations Manager and Director of Advertising for a national magazine based out of Oregon.

After accepting Jesus as his Lord and Saviour in 1995 his life was dramatically changed. Ron faithfully and prayerfully studied the Bible and the Holy Spirit led him to intensively research the works of many inspired men. He obviously--to anyone who followed his writings--was taught Holy Spirit discernment.

I knew Ron as a tremendously deep thinker on Bible matters as well as in current issues and events. Yet he was a man of humility in the most genuine sense. Of his own dealings with the Lord, he wrote on his website biography: "It is amazing what the Lord can do when a man is willing to surrender to Him."

Ron lived in rural Missouri where he testified that he was immensely blessed and thankful to be asked to fill the pulpit of various vacationing pastors in the area.

He eagerly awaited the Rapture, but worked diligently for the Lord right up until the day God called him Home. He corresponded with people who contacted him about his many articles even during the toughest moments of his severe illness.

Ron wrote me when I had the heart attack that stopped my heart three times on Good Friday, April 22, 2013. He was, as always, most caring and gracious, and, of course, was fascinated to hear my account of being in that Heavenly Realm each time my heart stopped.

I--of all people who knew, respected and admired Ron--am absolutely sure his Home Coming is Spectacular beyond all description!

Ron's lengthy illness and passing presents a financial hardship for his wife and the family, as might be expected in such circumstance. We ask that everyone wanting to donate financially to Nathele and her family send as the Lord Leads to:

Nathele Graham

96 County Road 5480

Salem, MO, 65560.

May God Bless you for your prayers and financial help. --Terry

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