From YBIC-Randy |
Dear Reader / Supporter,
There are so many prophetically significant events
happening right before our very eyes that it almost makes one dizzy just trying
to keep up with it all. The Arab Spring has brought forth many regime changes
in the Middle East such as in Egypt and Libya and as it continued into the Arab
Summer, Fall and now Winter, we can expect even more changes.
Earlier this year it looked like Israel and Iran were
going to bomb each other off the map any day. Israel looked to the U.S. for
help but we were too busy with what we used to call an election and pretty much
put Israel on hold. This year has been the most exciting prophetically speaking
since 1948, in our modern age. The Lord is lining up and setting the stage,
moving scenery around and placing the final end time actors into their roles.
It's as if the Lord has Bible Prophecy on a remote control. Earlier this year
he hit play and prophecy moved forward, Arab Spring begins, Libya's Gaffadi
(delete), Egypt's Mubarak (delete), Turkey getting involved, Israel and Iran's
tit-for-tat, Osama Bin laden (delete), Syria's uncivil war, the U.S. election
Obama (save) Romney (delete). It's been a crazy year and it seemed like
everything was coming to a head and then right before the election it was if
the Lord pressed pause, insert Hurricane Sandy (play - slow motion) and then
the election was over, the Lord hit play again and then in the last few days he
hit (fast forward) Hamas, Palestinians - UN, missiles into Israel, Operation
Pillar of Defense...
I am not sure how long we will be in (fast forward) or if
the Lord will hit pause again. I do know that we have never been closer to the
coming of the Lord which means that the rapture is even closer!
Who can deny that we are living in the End Times, our time
is truly, truly, short, let us make the time we have left count for all
According to the Lord's own words, we tell you that we who
are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not
precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from
heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the
trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who
are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds
to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1
Thessalonians 4:15-17
God will come for his Church suddenly at a time when we
least expect it. For this reason, He instructs us to be ready, always prepared,
and on guard for his coming. As those around us turn their backs on God,
worshipping themselves, other gods, or false prophets instead, we should be
looking up. We should have our spiritual lives in order, so that we might
escape what is to come. Especially as we are now witnessing the signs of the
end times, God reminds us that we need to be in prayer constantly so that we
will not be led down the other path and miss His coming.
The last few years has seen a quickening of predicted
bible prophecies, it's as if time has been accelerated. Fulfilled bible
prophecy has been happening at such a rapid pace that it almost makes one dizzy
trying to keep up with it.
The restoration of the nation of Israel is the cornerstone
of End Time bible prophecy and it's often called God's timepiece. You can
pretty much tell what time it is on God's prophetic time schedule by what is
happening in Israel. Against all odds, Israel was restored as a sovereign
nation again on May 14, 1948; and this after its people being disbursed and
scattered around the world for nearly 2,000 years. Its rebirth is the closest
thing we have to a modern day miracle.
The very next day six Arab nations simultaneously prepared
to invade the tiny country to destroy it at its birth. In a sudden and
unprovoked onslaught, the armies of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and
volunteer forces from Saudi Arabia, converged upon Israel. It was David versus
Goliath all over again. To any intelligent observer it was obvious that the
Arabs would make short work of the undermanned and under- equipped Jews. If
Israel was to survive it would take a miracle. By God's grace, the outnumbered
and outgunned Israelis were victorious. Humanly speaking, there is no way to
explain the well-trained, heavily armed Muslim army that outnumbered them ten
to one. Israel has fought many wars since 1948 and continues daily to fight for
its existence.
The Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah and even today they
expect the return of their Messiah riding in on a white horse at almost any
moment. They say they will know that it's their Messiah because He will let
them rebuild their temple.
The Muslims, the main enemy of Israel, are expecting their
Messiah, known as the 12th Iman. The 12th Imam is said to be a descendent of
the Prophet Muhammad, having divine status as did each of this succession of
sons. The 12th Imam is also called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi (guided one).
Mahdi will return when his followers create chaos and death in the world. Mahdi
will return just before the end of the world. Mahdi's appearance will
supposedly be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of
horrendous world chaos tyranny and oppression. Mahdi will supposedly force
people to convert to Islam or be beheaded. Mahdi will rule over the Arabs and
world for 7 years. Mahdi will setup a one world religion and government.
The Christians, the Bride of Christ, are awaiting the
Rapture of the Church at any moment. Sometime after the Rapture the Tribulation
period will begin, it will begin with the Antichrist guaranteeing and enforcing
a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and its enemies and allowing them to
rebuild their Temple, 3 ½ years later the Antichrist will enter into the newly
rebuilt temple and declare himself to be God, committing what the bible calls
the "abomination of desolation".
Meanwhile during
this 7 year period God is pouring out His wrath upon an unrepentant world that
will see nearly all mankind wiped out. At the end of this 7 year period the
Antichrist and his followers will gather together in Israel's valley of Megiddo
to destroy Jerusalem and Battle God, this will be the mother of all battles and
is known as Armageddon. Just when this battle seems like all is lost the Lord
Jesus Himself will return on a white horse followed with his bride, the
raptured Church also mounted on horses and end the battle of Armageddon
defeating Satan and his armies. This is called the "Second Coming"
So to sum it all up and put things in perspective, we have
the three largest religions in the world expecting their Messiah at any moment.
Sadly, the Messiah that the Jews and the Muslims will meet will be the same
person that the bible calls the Antichrist.
The world is waiting and expecting a savior to bring some
kind of peace and balance to our unstable world that is quickly crumbling
beneath our feet. We are experiencing a global economic failure that is causing
nations to fail and we are beginning to see a re-alignment of the nations and a
call for a one world leader and a one world economy just as the bible
predicted. We are seeing religions that in years past would not even speak to
each other now aligning with each other and calling for a one world religion.
We are seeing catastrophic changes in our weather with earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornadoes, tsunamis, flooding, pestilence and droughts all happening with an
increase in intensity and frequency. Diseases and viruses are becoming drug
resistant and we are seeing a huge increase in the number of violent and
senseless killings and also a record number of thefts and crimes. The whole
world is experiencing a sense of hopelessness and living in great fear and
anxiety, our world leaders are perplexed, and every attempt to fix the economy
or solve the problems in the middle east go down in flames.
The bible thousands of years ago, with 100 per cent
accuracy, predicted the exact last days scenario that we are now seeing right
before our very eyes. Shortly the Lord will come for His bride and Rapture the
church off the planet, the disappearance of millions of people will most likely
be explained away as a necessary global cleansing of people who were divisive
and non-conforming.
Out of all the chaos and confusion that will ensue after
the rapture there will come a man on the scene that will have all the answers
to all the world's problems? This man will bring a sense of peace and calmness,
he will implement a one world economy and a one world religion and for the most
part he will be a savior to the world. This man whom the world will worship as
a God is in actuality a false god, a tool and instrument of Satan, a man that
the bible calls the Antichrist.
How will this man bring world peace, how will this man
bring the Jews and Arabs together, how will this man be able to convince and
unite all the world's religions into one? It's quite possible that Satan will
send forth his demonic forces posing as ancient aliens and the leader of these
ancient aliens will be the Antichrist himself, with advanced knowledge and
advanced technology these alien forces led by the Antichrist will do in seven
years what it would take mankind hundreds of years to complete.
Of course if one reads the bible we know how it's all
going to end. Like the days of Noah, God warned the people for 120 that the
flood was coming; God has been warning us for nearly 2000 years that he was
returning. In precise detail he laid out the entire end time's scenario and
wrote down for us to read and hear what is to come and how we can escape all
these things.
As the predicted birth pangs increase in intensity more
people than ever before from around the world are seeking answers. More people
than ever before are looking and searching for answers and I am sure as
prophetic events continue to unfold at this accelerated pace, even more people
will visit Prophecy Update looking for answers. According to Google Analytics,
Prophecy Update receives visitors from 163 nations around the world and each
month we break new records in the amount of hits that we receive to the website
and subscribers to the free Prophecy Update Newsletter is at an all-time high.
Not too bad considering that there are only 195 countries recognized by the US
state department.
Folks as you know, we have the answer and the answer is
Jesus Christ, but many if not the majority of the world's population including
many churches, walk around in total darkness. They ignore the signs and refuse
to even teach Bible Prophecy, so that means they ignore nearly one third of the
Bible, no wonder the Bible says that in the End Times there will be a famine
for the word of God. "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign
LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land--not a famine of food or
a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. Amos 8:11
Prophecy Update has been on line since 1999 and has grown
every year, many similar web sites and ministries that started around the same
time are no longer around. You can go to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
at: and type
in to see how
the site has changed and progressed over the years. Since the beginning of the
year through today we have seen 569,485 unique visitors and have had 68,188,245
I want to take the time to thank of all you who subscribe
to Prophecy Update and all of you who frequent the Prophecy Update website and
take advantage of all the teaching resources that we have available and I do
want you to take advantage of us! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement
and financial support. Thank you for taking the time to forward the Updates to
family and friends. Thank you all that use the Updates for teaching material
and all that send in articles for posting. I do want to encourage you to
forward us articles that you feel worthy enough to share with other readers or
also if you are a writer and feel led to write a prophecy related article
please send your submissions to thanks!
I ask that you continue to keep this ministry in your
daily prayers; secondly I ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a
financial supporter of this ministry. Many of you are already monthly
supporters but we sure could use more, monthly supporters are the backbone and
foundation of this ministry. You would think with so many visitors to our
website that I would never have to bring up the subject of giving. I do so
humbly and reluctantly, but in reality only about 50 to 60 dear and precious
Saints give to this ministry with any regularity and I can actually name most
of them off in my head because I am constantly giving thanks for them!
Every day I write the two daily newsletters, update the
web site, research new material, work on new postings, edit material for the
next DVD and read and answer as many of the nearly 300 emails I receive daily.
I am not complaining one bit, I love every minute of it but please do not be
offended if I don't answer your email promptly or not at all. It takes a lot of
time and effort, but is a true labor of love to bring you the updates and
provide all the contents of the web site.
The updates and the web site are provided free so that no
one can be denied access to the Word of God. There is a charge to cover the
cost of the teaching materials but even then we provide them free upon request.
The web site is free of pop-up ads and commercial banners so that you can view
the contents of the site without disturbance. We don't bombard you with offers
and we don't plead and beg for money and tell you that we are going off the web
if we don't get money. We don't have weeklong marathon fundraisers, nor do we
have elaborate fundraising schemes.
My prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray right now that you would
touch the hearts of those that you would lift up to support this ministry and I
pray that you would bless them and give them a heart and a fire and a passion
to support this ministry. Lord Jesus I pray that you would bless them in return
for their faithfulness beyond any measurable comprehension, wonderfully and abundantly
exceeding any and all expectations! Lord Jesus I pray for those that already
support this ministry through prayer and financial means that you would
continue to bless them in the most amazing ways, that not only they would be
blessed but also those whom you have surrounded them with! In Jesus
I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with
us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no
matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives,
around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet
your generosity carries a global impact!
To make a donation or become a monthly supporter, please
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Note: You also help support this ministry when you
purchase one of our DVD's or DVD sets. We have added "Angels, Aliens and
Armageddon" to our Prophecy Series. So now you can get all 11 DVD's for
only $69.95 and also as our way of saying thanks we have reduced the price on
all previously released DVD's by 25% from now until December 31st. So now all
individual DVD's are only $14.95...
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