Thursday, 9 June 2011

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat

Islam is Anti-Christ.  Here is the proof in a series of You Tube videos that I superimpose in this page.  Please listen and take note. Share among Bible Prophecy student who seek to understand future events in this world.  The key to understand prophecy is Israel.  Please download this free book entitled “ Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done", by Ron Graft and Lambert Dolphin, available in Internet version, You will find also commentaries on God, Israel, and the Church at this site all free to share: 

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (1 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (2 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (3 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (4 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (5 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (6 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (7 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (8 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (9 of 10)

Prophecy 101 Islam and Satan - Walid Shoebat (10 of 10)

Biography of Walid Shoebat
"For the record, my name is Walid Shoebat. I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until I converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO I was involved in terror activity, and was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. In prison, I was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem as a result of which, thank God, no one was injured. My mother was an American and my father a Palestinian Arab. My parents sent me in 1978 to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. There I was recruited at a hotel “Terror Conference” by Jamal Said, a founder of the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and Imam at one of the largest mosques in Chicago." 

For additional evidence on documents that proves most aspects to my claims you can go to Daniel Pipes’s Middle East Forum. Mr. Pipes is a well respected and reputable expert analyst who examined much of my records--my family’s American relationship with Winston Churchill, land deeds, birth certificates, newspaper reports on family connection to terror and such. Mr.. Pipes confirmed my credibility 

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